I have been contemplating a different vehicle for quite awhile. Right now, I have a very dependable 1998 Volkswagen Jetta GT. I LOVE this car; its safe, heavy, dependable and gets about 600km per 55 liter tank of gas. My only beef is that this car runs on GAS and at some foreseeable point in the future this commodity will either:
a) be so expensive that I cannot afford to drive or
b) the emissions of my car will no longer be allowed (if the government gets its act together!)
So I have been working on a longer term plan but have not yet decided on any particular direction to move yet. Options I'm considering are:
1) buy another VW but a TDI and converting it to SVO (straight veggie oil)
2) buy a Toyota import truck from Japan (they make diesel, light duty vehicles) and covert it to SVO
3) Save up and buy a brand new hybrid vehicle (come on VW, make a hybrid!!!!)
This is such a tough decision to know how to move in the most informed and best-for-the-planet direction. I find myself plagued with many questions:
- Do the environmental costs of procuring materials for producing a new, hybrid vehicle outweigh the benefits that this technology contributes to the reduction of green house gases?
- Will the costs of shipping over a diesel truck from Japan be balanced by running it on a renewable and "waste" material (i.e. SVO)?
- Can I find a VW TDI that fits in my budget and is safe to convert to SVO?
- Do I want to deal with also building my own infrastructure for collecting and processing the veggie oil? (As a friend of mine pointed out, "You don't appreciate how much 55 liters is until you have to collect, filter and pump it yourself!)
- Offset the carbon dioxide emissions of my Jetta using Cool Drive Pass (click to travel to their website). This cost me approximately $50/year based on driving on 15,000km/year. Very reasonable I think!
- Burn Fat not Oil by riding my bike as much as possible
- Walk if the destination is 30mins or less
- Keep searching for answers and start a savings account for whatever direction I decide is best for my values and driving needs.
As listed on the David Suzuki Foundation page on Carbon Neutrality, here are more resources for your perusal!
Carbon offset calculators (and vendors) - Vehicles**
CarbonZero (includes trains & buses)
Climat Mundi (includes motorcycles)
Carbon offset vendors - Gold Standard**
My Climate
Sustainable Travel International
Carbon offset vendors - General**
My Climate
Sustainable Travel International
Uniglobe's Green Flight Program
Vancouver Renewable Energy Cooperative
Evaluations and Recommendations of Voluntary Offset Companies - Tufts University
A Comparison of Carbon Offset Vendors
Renewable energy certificate (REC) vendors **
REC Marketers and Related Entities in USA
Pollution Probe - Consumer Guide to Green Power in Canada
Wind Powered Computer Network Hosting
Bonneville Environmental Foundation
Environmental Defence - Green Power Options in Canada
Tips for reducing your energy use
The 20/20 Planner: A Practical Guide to Reduce Energy Use by 20% at home and on the road
US DOE Comparison of Vehicle Mileage & Tips for Reducing Vehicle Emissions
An Inconvenient Truth - Take Action
Greenpeace Canada - Energy Saving Tips
Sierra Club - Energy Saving Tips
Cool Companies
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